Gluten-Free Certification Benefits Quality Control and Food Safety in an Organization

The demand for gluten-free products has prompted manufacturers to seek reliable certification methods to ensure quality control and food safety. The traditional approach to gluten-free certification, which often involves mandatory gluten testing, has proven to be costly and time-consuming leaving room for gluten-free certification to benefit quality control and food safety in organization.

Gluten Testing for Food Manufacturers, Restaurants and Food Service Operators in Canada

Gluten Testing for Food Manufacturers, Restaurants and Food Service Operators in Canada falls under Health Canada regulations. These regulations recognize the Codex Alimentarius Standard for Foods for Special Dietary Use for Persons Intolerant to Gluten (Codex Stan 118-1979) which states that the gluten content of foods labelled gluten-free shall not exceed 20 ppm (parts-per-million).