Stay Competitive in the Restaurant Business with Gluten-Free Certification
Stay competitive in the restaurant business with Gluten-Free Food Program gluten-free certification
Stay competitive in the restaurant business with Gluten-Free Food Program gluten-free certification
Prevent gluten cross contamination with GF-Smart™ professional training for managers, servers, and back-of-house staff, covering the essential aspects of providing …
Gluten Testing for Food Manufacturers, Restaurants and Food Service Operators in Canada falls under Health Canada regulations. These regulations recognize the Codex Alimentarius Standard for Foods for Special Dietary Use for Persons Intolerant to Gluten (Codex Stan 118-1979) which states that the gluten content of foods labelled gluten-free shall not exceed 20 ppm (parts-per-million).
Gluten-free has become more than just a lifestyle trend over the years; it is necessary for many individuals with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. For this reason, brands should identify their products as gluten-free and become a GFFP certified brand now.
Food service industry establishments must be aware that the gluten-free community has three core groups, in order to gain a competitive edge in the gluten-free market.
The Gluten-Free Food Program encourages holiday destinations to become part of our program, ensuring food safety to those who need it.
The GFFP offers a practical and streamlined approach to gluten-free certification, focusing on globally accepted preventative, gluten-free safety approaches for manufacturing gluten-free products.
Connect with consumers with our free value-added services to help improve communication and reach new customers.